IDENTIFIKASI BERBAGAI FAKTOR PEMICU ORIENTASI KEWIRAUSAHAAN (Studi pada para pengusaha di empat kota di Jawa Timur)

Agus Prianto


Until right now, Indonesia still face very serious labor problems. Availability of job is not comparable with the development of the workforce. As a result, open unemployment in Indonesia is still very high. High unemployment in a country effect the low number of entrepreneurs. In this regard it is necessary to attempt the development of entrepreneurship among the citizens. In order to strengthen the entrepreneurship movement in the society, we can dig up information from the entrepreneurs related to any factors that enable them to develop entrepreneurial orientation. This issue is to be assessed in this study. The results of this study are expected to be used as a foundation in the development of entrepreneurial culture in the community, particularly through education. This research was conducted on the entrepreneurs in four cities in East Java, Indonesia: Surabaya, Malang, Lamongan, and Jombang regency; by the number of respondents as much as 182 entrepreneurs. Data from respondents with regard to many factors that encourage the entrepreneurial orientation further assessed by univariate analysis. The result of data analysis found that family support and community, and entrepreneurship education are the main factors that influence the growth of entrepreneurial orientation. The study also found that the level of formal education on the respondent have a significant impact on the growth of an entrepreneurial orientation. In contrast to previous research studies, this research prove that women’s entrepreneurial orientation is stronger than man. Based on the conclusion of this study, it is suggested that entrepreneurship education can be applied extensively in various types and level of education, whether formal,  non formal, and informal education both at primary, secondary, and higher education.

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