Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Storytelling Strategy

Perpustakaan STKIP


The  aim  of  this  research was  “to  improve  the  students’  speaking
ability  using  Storytelling  Strategy”.  Moreover,  it  is  conducted  in  the
SMKN  1  Jombang.  The  design  of  this  research  was  classroom  action
research. The  subject  of  this  research was  the  tenth  grade  of X-2 Hotel Affairs students,  they consisted of class with 30 students. The researcher had  used  an  observation  checklist,  interviewed,  questionnaire  and speaking  test  as  the  instrument  for  collecting  the  data. The  result of  the instrument  used  in  this  research,  concluded  that  story  telling  was  an appropriate strategy for improving students’ speaking ability for students of X-2 Hotel Affairs at SMKN 1 Jombang. Based on finding cycle 1 and cycle 2,  there was significant  improvement of speaking English by using story  telling  strategy.  The  improvement  from  the  students’  ability  in speaking English,  it can be  shown  from  the improvement  in mentioning grammatical  structure,  good  in pronouncing  the  words,  kind  of vocabulary and understand the content of the story.There are 19 students (63,3%)  passed  the  criteria  and  11 students  (36,6%)  cannot  passed  the criteria  in  cycle 1. From  the  result of  the  cycle 2,  there  are 29 students (96,6%)  exceed  the  value  of  criteria  of  success  and  1  (3%)  students cannot passed the averages of scores. Its mean that 80% the students was reached with score >75 in averages in the class it can be said success and using  of  storytelling  strategy  had  help  the  students  in  improving  their ability and their achievement.

Keywords: Storytelling, Storytelling Strategy, Speaking Ability, Role Playing

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